A lot of people come into our Chatswood Chiropractic clinic wanting to have a ‘perfect’ posture – I have even had patients ask if they need surgery just to achieve it. The question is – what IS perfect posture, and is it even possible to achieve?
Perfect posture, often referred to as “ideal” or “correct” posture, is a balanced alignment of the body that allows for the least amount of strain on the muscles, ligaments, and joints. While there is no universally agreed-upon definition of perfect posture, it generally includes the following key elements:
- Alignment: The body is in a neutral, balanced position where the head, shoulders, hips, and feet are aligned vertically. When viewed from the side, there should be a gentle S-curve in the spine, with the neck and lower back having slight natural curves.
- Head Position: The head is in a neutral position with the chin parallel to the ground. It’s not jutting forward or tilted to either side.
- Shoulders: The shoulders are relaxed and even, not hunched or rounded forward. The chest is open, and the shoulder blades are gently pulled back and down.
- Spine: The spine is straight and well-aligned, maintaining its natural curves. The natural curves include cervical lordosis (slight curve in the neck), thoracic kyphosis (gentle curve in the upper back), and lumbar lordosis (slight curve in the lower back).
- Pelvis: The pelvis is level and not tilted too far forward (anterior pelvic tilt) or backward (posterior pelvic tilt). It should be in a neutral position.
- Hips and Knees: Hips and knees are at the same level and not tilted or rotated. The knees should be straight but not locked.
- Feet: Feet are hip-width apart, and the weight is distributed evenly between both feet. They should be pointing forward or slightly turned outward, depending on individual anatomy.
- Engaged Core: The abdominal muscles are lightly engaged to support the spine and maintain stability.
- Relaxed Muscles: The muscles are relaxed and not overly tense or contracted. There should be no unnecessary tension in the neck, shoulders, or back.
- Proper Weight Distribution: When sitting or standing, the body’s weight is distributed evenly on both sides. If you’re standing, your weight is evenly distributed between both feet. When sitting, your weight should be evenly distributed on your buttocks.
References to support these guidelines may come from various sources, including healthcare professionals, physical therapists, and ergonomic experts. However, it’s important to note that “perfect” posture can vary from person to person depending on their unique body structure, any existing medical conditions, and the activities they are engaged in.
So, although there is a general definition of ‘perfect’ posture, it is not necessarily going to work for everyone – in fact, it is more of an ideal or a guideline than a set rule. A good healthcare professional will realise that there is, instead, a ‘perfect’ posture for YOU.
Achieving and maintaining this ideal posture often involves awareness, strengthening exercises, and ergonomic adjustments tailored to an individual’s specific needs and goals – again, these will often vary from person to person, depending on their needs.
If you are seeking guidance on improving your posture, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or physical therapist who can provide personalized advice and exercises based on your specific needs and challenges.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at Golden Spines Chiropractic Chatwood on 02 94122722 or email us at info@goldenspineschiro.com.au.